Have you ever thought: “I support reconciliation. I want to do my part, but I’m not sure what to do?”

If so, Reconciliation Saskatoon has put together the ConnectR website (www.beaconnectr.org). It’s an excellent interactive tool for people looking to find a way to help build better relationships between Canada’s Indigenous and settler communities. Its motto nicely describes how it works: “Choose your next step”. There are four “paths”: Spirit, Head, Heart, and Body. Clicking on a path takes you to suggested actions like “Attend a cultural event at your local friendship centre,” “Learn Indigenous teachings about plants,” and “Support Indigenous artisans online.” Each suggestion includes links to further information. You can also access this information by clicking one of the “Themes”, such as “Current Events”, “Facts and Figures”, and “Safe Spaces”.

ConnectR is the latest project of Reconciliation Saskatoon, a partnership of about 100 organizations, including the Office of the Treaty Commissioner, the City of Saskatoon, the Saskatoon Tribal Council, and the Central Urban Métis Federation. Some of the information is Saskatoon-specific, but most of it is useful wherever you live in Saskatchewan.

Check it out. It works well on cellphones too!

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