If you are an SEIU-West member working for the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and you receive a communication from your employer indicating that you owe them money back for an N/52nds overpayment, please:
Info Pickets
Info pickets provide an opportunity for SEIU-West members to send a message to their employer and to the general public, that bargaining needs to progress and SEIU-West members deserve a fair contract!
Janice Platzke Receives Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award
We are so excited to announce that your SEIU-West Treasurer, Janice Platzke, received the Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award at the 2024 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Convention in late October. Congratulations, Janice!
Here's what her nominator had to say about Janice and her years of service:
President's Message: Nursing Week 2019
It’s an honour to take a moment to show our appreciation for the thousands of front line members of the health care nursing team. While a whole team of professionals contribute to our health and well-being, during this week we recognize the nursing team.
Thank A Youth Worker Day! May 9, 2019
On May 9, 2019, communities, organizations, and people around the world are joining together for the annual international day of celebrating and honoring Youth Workers on Thank a Youth Worker Day!
SEIU-West is proud to join the festivity of Thank A Youth Worker Day – we know how hard our members work to improve the lives of the youth they care for.
The dedicated SEIU-West members who care for our community’s youth and children often work in emergency or schools settings – their role is to ensure children and youth experiencing crisis situations are cared for in a home-like setting, or to provide personal care to students who require extra assistance. For youth in either of these situations, comfort and support is essential, and that is what our Youth Workers are trained to provide.
Our communities’ youth rely on encouraging environments to thrive, and Youth Workers help facilitate personal growth and empower youth to transition from dependence, to independence.
It is clear Youth Workers are vital to the success of our communities so please, join SEIU-West in thanking our incredible members who work as Youth Workers!
SAHO/SEIU-West Bargaining Bulletin (2nd edition) No. 1
(Click here for a printable PDF of this Bargaining Bulletin)
Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
Your SEIU-West bargaining committee provided notice to SAHO of the outcome of our ratification vote. SAHO provided their notice and confirmed receipt of our document.
The Union committee has now met to discuss our next steps with regard to returning to the bargaining table after our rejection of the tentative agreement. We’ve looked at a few scenarios and developed responses to both: returning to the table to only negotiate monetary improvements; or starting from ‘square one’ as was proposed by SAHO in previous joint bargaining meetings. The parties have agreed that bargaining dates won’t be set until after May 17. We have asked for a process meeting with SAHO to discuss how we will move forward. Stay tuned for an update that will be posted once dates are set.
On behalf of the bargaining committee, we wish to thank you all for your numerous questions to the SEIU-West website, Facebook, and via email. We are going to take this return to the bargaining one step at a time; being very intentional in our membership communications. The strength and conviction of our members in this rejection gives a very clear message to your bargaining committee and to SAHO and the Government of Saskatchewan.
We encourage you to contact the MRC at 1-888-999-7348 ext. 2298 to ask any further questions. Please watch for updates on www.SEIUWEST.ca. You can also follow our Facebook and Twitter feeds.
In Solidarity,
Your SEIU-West SAHO Provincial Bargaining Committee:
CHR: Janice Platzke (SEIU-West Treasurer) • FHHR: Brenda Berry; Donna Gallant • HHR: Colleen Denniss • SHR: Judy Denniss; Rick Brown; Carla Saworski; Kim Wyatt; Charlene Sarafin; • Staff: Bob Laurie (Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement); Russell Doell (Deputy Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement); Cam McConnell (Negotiations Officer) • President: Barbara Cape
Win of the Week! April 28 - May 4
In anticipation for Nursing Week next week, we have a great win to share! We’ve had an awesome level of response for our Nursing Week celebrations – Unit Executives were asked to complete this survey in order to receive some financial help in recognizing the amazing Continuing Care Assistants (CCAs), and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) who work in their facilities. We’re excited to see the celebrations that await! And if you’re a part of your facility’s Unit Executive, there’s still time to request funding! We ask that you submit requests by May 13, 2019.
International Worker's Day: May 1
May Day (May 1st) is a day to recognize, celebrate, and demonstrate workers’ historic and ongoing struggles. Also known as International Workers’ Day, May Day symbolizes the common struggles of workers everywhere. Historically, May 1st signifies the gains workers achieved in the late 19th century in North America. Workers were faced with unsafe working environments and long hours which led to workplace injuries and fatalities. Workers had had enough with these unjust conditions and fought back to demand an 8 hour work day with no cut in pay. Thousands of workers took to the streets and many workers lost their lives in this struggle. In 2019, Canada celebrates a particularly monumental May Day as this May, we recognize the 100th anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike.
The Winnipeg General Strike is a significant part of our working-class history. In May and June of 1919, more than 30,000 workers went on strike for six weeks. The strike grew out of frustrations with the inequities at work, including rising prices and stagnant wages, and a government that worked on behalf of employers, and not workers. Together, workers stood in unison to demand better, but not without backlash. Two workers were killed and many were injured as they fought for working-class justice, and when we remember that people put their lives on the line for the rights we enjoy today, we understand that we cannot take anything we’ve gained for granted. We must therefore celebrate but also recognize there is an urgent need for us to keep up the fight for our rights today. To learn more, visit the Building A Better World: 1919-2019 Winnipeg General Strike 100th Anniversary website.
To get involved in a local May Day event, click on the links below (email [email protected] if you have another event to add):
Regina – May Works Week
Saskatoon - May Day 2019
Win of the Week! April 21-27
Members of SEIU-West are reporting that a fellow member has stepped up to assist Biggar during their community's time in need. This member is a volunteer fire fighter and has been active in this duty to combat the fires blazing in Biggar. Their willingness to help demonstrates the leadership and care that runs through the veins of our members. It is clear that SEIU-West members not only take a stand for their communities at work, but outside of work as well. Thanks to our members for showing that purple cares!
MEDIA RELEASE: Unions Deliver Mixed Verdict on Health Sector Tentative Agreement
For Immediate Release, April 24, 2019
Saskatchewan’s three health sector provider unions - SEIU-West, CUPE Local 5430 and SGEU Health Providers – held ratification votes on the contract offer of the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO), representing health-sector employers. The unions shared the results with their members on April 18th.
Celebrate Medical Laboratory, Administration, and Linen Services Week
In celebration of THREE incredible assets to our team, SEIU-West is proud to recognize the health care providers and workers who work in Medical Laboratory, Administration, and Linen Services!
This week is Medical Laboratory Week, and we want to honour the work of those who work in the Lab as Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) and Medical Laboratory Assistants (MLAs). Quality control is central for the work of MLTs and MLAs – cleanliness and safety are key. Troubleshooting and standardizing equipment are also an important aspect of a well-functioning lab. MLAs are responsible for specimen collection and pre-analytical specimen handling/processing. MLT’s are able to detect, prevent and manage physiological and pathological conditions. These steps are vital to ensuring a correct diagnosis and resulting treatment for the patient. Needless to say, MLAs and MLTs are fundamental to the health care team – thank you for your vast contributions to the health care team!
Administrative Professionals are a shining example of commitment to a working team. Communication and organization are what drives a good team, and Administrative Professionals are largely responsible for efficient and clear communication within our education, community based, and health care teams. These skills are a must for Administrative Professionals as they are often responsible for staff scheduling and for ensuring the team is running to its best abilities. Thank you for your incredible work, Administrative Professionals!
Members who work in Linen Services are critical for the functionality of the health care team – health care services rely on clean, sanitary, and on-time materials to ensure patients, residents, clients, and staff can function properly in healthy environment. SEIU-West also represents members who work at Canadian Linen & Uniform Service, one of the largest uniform rental and linen supply companies in Canada. They provide linen products to the automotive, industrial, hospitality and health care sectors so we know our members work hard every day to ensure these important industries get what they need – we can’t thank our Laundry Service Workers enough for their amazing work!
Now let’s put your skills to the test! Enter to win the Medical Laboratory, Administrative Professionals, and Linen Services Week Word Search for your chance to win some awesome prizes:
- Rush Tickets: SEIU-West has 25 tickets to give away for the Saturday, April 27th Rush vs. the Colorado Mammoth game. This game is themed as “Heroes Night” so it’s a perfect way to recognize those who work in the Medical Lab, Administration, and Linen Services!
- Long Day’s Night Music Festival in Swift Current June 20-22: Celebrate four of the longest days of the year with great music and lots of fun under a big-top tent at the Long Day’s Night Music Festival.
- Regina Folk Festival Tickets and Saskatoon Jazz Festival Tickets: Regina Folk Festival is held on the weekend following the long weekend in August, and the Saskatoon Jazz Festival takes place June 21-30!
Enter the contest by April 30 (or April 25 if you want to go to the Rush Game!) for your chance to win! Send your complete crosswords to [email protected]
May Works Week - Regina
The Regina & District Labour Council (RDLC) for the first time ever; is co-coordinating a week long events to celebrate May Day! We are inviting all Unions, Community Organizations to come join us to celebrate International Workers Day on May 1st, 2019. This year is the 100th Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike, during May Works week which starts on April 28, 2019. Watch the RDLC Facebook page for the line-up of events and we ask that you share! Here are the events (find posters by clicking on the titles):
Sunday April 28, 2019 - Day of Mourning Vigil at Regina City Hall on April 28th at 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Reception to follow at the Union Centre after at 2709 – 12th Ave. This vigil will list the names of the 48 workers killed on the job last year in Saskatchewan, let us remember them; “Mourn for the dead, fight for the living,” “an injury to one, is an injury to all.”
Monday April 29, 2019 - Labour History and Book Launch, “Cracking Labour’s Glass Ceiling,” hosted by Briarpatch Magazine. 7:00 pm at Tommy’s Speakeatery 2720 Montague Street.
Tuesday April 30, 2019 - Movie Night with Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG) 6:30 pm: “The Right to Learn,” screening and discussion about the costs of higher education - at the University of Regina Education Building 619.
Wednesday May 1, 2019 - May Day Parade; CELEBRATE WORKERS!!
5:00 pm: line up at the Union Centre. Bring your flags, noise makers and favourite union attire.
6:00 pm: parade starts (map included). We will march to the Legislative Building, where we will hear from speakers and there will be free hot dogs for everyone. This event is coordinated by SGEU and RDLC. Join us and the music, drums, and bands and celebrate workers!
7:00 pm: come out to the after Parade Party at Rebellion Brewing at and Barb Byers to give a presentation on Labour History.
RSVP to Shobna Radons at [email protected] with the numbers of people from your local or union that are planning to attend!
Thursday May 2, 2019 - Poetry Slam at Bushwakkers, Arizona Room 7:00 pm; 7:00 – 8:00 pm workshop on how to write and deliver spoken word poetry.
8:00 pm– performances by local spoken word poets and an open mike. The folks from Spoken Word have graciously agreed to facilitate this event.
Friday May 3, 2019 - Karaoke at Q Nightclub & Lounge
7:00 pm: We will end the week with Labour Songs and coming together in solidarity! “Power to the people and workers!”
It is a week full of events, a lined up for Union, Associations, and Community Organizations to join the Regina & District Labour Council to celebrate the week and the day reserved for Workers of the world everywhere.
RSVP requested, please email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Win of the Week! April 14-20
SEIU-West is thrilled to share exciting news alongside Community-Based Organization (CBO) workers who work at Southwest Homes Inc. in Swift Current: close to 100 workers from this facility are now members of SEIU-West! These new members voted overwhelmingly in favour to join our union, and we couldn’t be more happy to welcome them to our SEIU-West family. They recognized the power of the motto we live by, “Strength in Numbers”, and we’re so proud of the work our organizers and the new members did to achieve this big win. Way to go!
SEIU-West/SAHO Tentative Agreement Vote: The Results Are In
On behalf of the SEIU-West bargaining committee, I want to thank all of our members covered by the SAHO agreement for their engagement; interest in the updates; attending meetings and virtual town halls; the emailed questions; and for making your collective voice ring out loud and clear through your vote.
The rejection of the tentative agreement gives us a clear direction and mandate to take back to the table and let SHA and the Government of Saskatchewan know that this offer doesn’t even come close to what is a fair level of compensation for our members.
As we said in our tentative agreement presentations, this doesn’t automatically mean that the government will bring more money to the table right away. But if we need to ask our members for a strike mandate to get what we deserve - we know that you have knowledge about the process, including essential services negotiations and we will continue to communicate clearly at every step of this process.
I want to be clear about this rejection: this was union democracy at work. Why didn't the bargaining committee make a recommendation about this deal? Because we know our members are informed and know their own minds. We know that you are the experts about your workplaces, the work you do and what you are worth. We wanted the government to hear YOUR voice on what they need to do.
Right now, CUPE and SGEU are notifying their members about the outcome of their ratification votes. And now it’s time to roll up our sleeves as we have much work to do: discussions with our coalition partners about the next steps, notification to the employer, and setting dates to get together at our next bargaining session. And we will do this together.
Have a good Easter break brothers and sisters.
In Solidarity on behalf of the SEIU-West SAHO bargaining committee,
Barbara Cape
Saskatchewan Spectrum Rally
SEIU-West encourages you to join a rally to support the many affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Regina on Wednesday, May 8th at 11:30 am in front the Legislature.
The host of the rally is a mother of 3 whose eldest was diagnosed with severe non-verbal autism. She recognizes and experiences how hard it is raising a child on the spectrum in Saskatchewan due to the huge gaps within the education system.
The rally organizers want the Ministry of Education to recognize the growing needs for kids on the spectrum in Saskatchewan. They are advocating for the government to start providing more support within schools and funding for families.
This is a rally about coming together and standing with families who have a loved one affected by ASD, and it’s about shining a light on what we can do to make Saskatchewan better for everyone, no matter where they are on the spectrum.
SEIU-West encourages you to join this rally on Wednesday, May 8 at 11:30am. Because we know this issue particularly affects our members who work in education, SEIU-West will offer mileage to carpool to Regina as well as lunch expenses for all our members. Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend the rally and we can provide flags and purple swag as well.
To join the Facebook event, click here.