Click to download a printable PDF of Joint Health Provider Bargaining Update with SEIU-West, CUPE, and SGEU – June 19, 2018

Your coalition bargaining committee met with SAHO in Saskatoon during June 13, 14 and 15 to work to achieve a fair collective agreement that treats our members with respect, and does not include the cuts, rollbacks or concessions that the government wants.

We have achieved agreement in principle on a number of items:

  • Professional Fees;
  • Recruitment and Retention initiatives;
  • A moratorium on changes to our bargaining unit structure;
  • A process to deal with transition issues with the Saskatchewan Health Authority;
  • Workload (for SGEU and SEIU-West); and
  • Interpersonal Violence Leave.

Outstanding is agreement on a joint trusteeship process for our benefit plans and a discussion about monetary issues related to a general wage increase.

We continue to work towards maintaining the current language in our CBAs regarding the Extended Health & Enhanced Dental (EH&ED) Plans. We have heard from you loud and clear that the fully funded benefits plan is a valued benefit.

Your bargaining committees value your continued support. In addition to the bargaining process, we are currently faced with Health Authority initiatives, such as IT transitioning to eHealth and the provincial security services review. The parties continue with the joint review process of the Joint Job Evaluation plan. There is a lot happening, and we need to keep focused on these issues – together.

Keep an eye on your union bulletin board, website and Facebook page for how to get involved in these campaigns and how to show your support for your union bargaining committees. We cannot forget that the Government of Saskatchewan is deeply involved in this bargaining process, so please be sure to contact your MLA, Minister of Health Jim Reiter, and Minister of Rural and Remote Health Greg Ottenbreit. Stay focused and stay connected.

In solidarity,


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