The Municipal Employees’ Pension Commission (MEPC, the Commission) met on January 20, 2023.

Within its annual risk management process, the Commission assessed and voted on the risks to the Municipal Employees’ Pension Plan (MEPP, the Plan) as identified in the Risk Register.

Meeting with its private markets consultant, the Commission approved the implementation of co-investment strategies within the Plan’s private markets program.

As part of its strategic review of MEPP investments, the Commission received presentations on farmland as an asset class and implementable investment portfolios. The Commission conducts a strategic review every four to six years as part of its governance practices with the goal of incorporating best practices from the institutional investment industry.

Meeting with its general investment consultant, the Commission received an update on the Plan’s fixed-income investments and investment managers.

The Commission reviewed and approved revisions to the Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIP&P). The SIP&P provides a framework for the management of the Municipal Employees’ Pension Fund.

Meeting with its actuary, the Commission approved the assumptions to be used in the accounting valuation for MEPP as at December 31, 2022. The Commission also approved the preparation of an experience study to analyze trends with respect to terminations within the Plan, with its results to be used to inform the assumptions used in future valuations.

The Commission received an update on its annual work plan for September 2022 to June 2023, tracking the progress of the strategic initiatives identified in the Commission’s 2022-2024 Strategic Business Plan.

The Public Employees Benefits Agency (the Agency) presented the Cyber Security Dashboard for the quarter ended December 31, 2022, with a status update on the key risk areas that are actively monitored by the Agency.

The next Commission meeting is scheduled for February 17, 2023.


Click here for a printable PDF of these meeting notes.

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