Effective June 1, 2024, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved the inclusion of Speech Aid coverage under the Extended Health Care Plan.

Speech Aids include laryngeal speaking aids and bliss boards.

  • Laryngeal speaking aids are devices that offer the ability to produce/adjust vibrations and sound frequency settings for clearer speach for patience who have lost their voice box.
  • A bliss board is a type of communication display board that allows a user to create messages for communication.

Charges for bliss boards and laryngeal speaking aids that are prescribed by a physician when no alternative method of communication is possible will be covered to a lifetime maximum per Insured Person of $1,000.

3sHealth has updated the Extended Health Care and Dental Plan booklets to reflect this change. the new booklets are now available on the 3sHealth website.

If you have any questions about this bulletin, please call a 3sHealth Benefit Services Officer at 1.866.278.2301 or email [email protected].


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