Executive Board

The SEIU-West Executive Board is elected to be responsible for governance of all aspects of the union and its services to members. Another important part of their role is Internal Organizer, in which they mentor and support Unit Executive members in their roles as leaders in the workplace. If you are unit executive member, Unit Chair, Unit Vice-Chair, Unit Co-Chair, or Unit Communicator, and you would like to reach out to find your Internal Organizer (IO), please complete our Contact form with your request.

2024 Board Meetings:

List subject to change.

January 4 Hybrid
February 1 Hybrid
March 7 Hybrid
April 4 Hybrid
May * In Person * Date & Location TBD based upon 2024 Leadership Conference
June 6 Hybrid
August 1 Hybrid
September 5 Hybrid
October 3 Hybrid
November 7 Hybrid
December 4 & 5

In Person

Top Officers:


 Barbara Cape

Vice President


Jason Monteith



Janice Platzke


Kerrie Boyd Chris Clark  Colleen Deniss


Current Executive Board:

Tristan Banyay 

Former Saskatoon Health Region

Brenda Berry 

Former Five Hills Health Region

 Sheila Boruch  *on leave

Former Cypress Health Region


Former Saskatoon Health Region


Education & Allied Sector

 Justin Gaudet 

CBO/Private Sector

 Jeanne Javinal 

Former Saskatoon Health Region

 Candice Moon 

Former Heartland Health Region

 Lou-Ellen Murray 

Former Cypress Health Region

Valentine Osadugba  *on leave

Extendicare Sector

Terrilyn Schleper

Former Saskatoon Health Region

 Deidre Wilson 

Former Five Hills Health Region

Kim Wyatt 

Former Saskatoon Health Region

Lisa Zunti 

Former Saskatoon Health Region


Young Worker Representative

Yolanda Sagayo 

Worker of Colour Representative

Jae Blakley 

Gender & Sexual Diversity Representative

Wolana Fox

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Representative


If you are a member of SEIU-West and would like to request a copy of the audited financial statements, please click here and complete the form.

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