Millions of Canadians struggle daily with addiction.

Developing an addiction is not a character flaw, nor is it a sign of weakness. Addiction to certain substances can actually cause changes to the brain which might make sobriety seem impossible. It takes more than willpower to overcome addiction. With the right treatment and support, recovery is possible.

The dedication and hard work of SEIU-West members in the Health Care and the Community-Based Organization sectors help make it possible for people struggling with addiction to take that little step forward every day. 

One such individual is Justin, a maintenance worker, at the Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan (MACSI) in Prince Albert. Read more about his role as a part of the Community Based Organization (CBO) sector team.

This National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW), SEIU-West would like to bring attention to the millions who struggle with addiction every day.

- Addiction affects all walks of life

- Recovery is achievable and possible

- Choose your words wisely – words matter

- The cost affects us all

Call Healthline at 811 for professional health or mental health and addictions advice, education and support. It’s free confidential and open 24/7.

For more information visit: Canadian Center on Substance Use and Abuse and 211 Saskatchewan.

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