SEIU-West Multicultural Mentorship Committee wants you to join them to celebrate Asian Heritage Month by celebrating with a weekly contest for the month of May!

Asian Heritage Month offers an opportunity to grow our awareness about the contributions of Canadians of Asian descent who, for over two centuries, have done so much to contribute to make Canada a country worth living in.

It is also a reminder for us to come together to fight Anti-Asian hate, racism and discrimination. 

For our first week's contest, share your favorite Asian meal with us for a chance to win a book by local author, Ponziano Aluma, who has gathered stories of newcomers' adventures of adapting to Canadian life. Send your entry to [email protected] by May 8th, 2022.


Asian Heritage Month facts:

  • Over the last two centuries, immigrants have journeyed to Canada from East Asia, Southern Asia, Western Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia.
  • In 1858, the first Chinese Immigrant arrived in Fraser River Valley in 1858 as gold prospectors.
  • In 1877, the first Japanese person came to Victoria, Canada
  • in the late 19th century, Lebanese and Syrians first immigrated to Montreal, Canada from Western Asia.
  • In 1903, the first South Asian migrants, mainly Sikhs, came to Vancouver, Canada.

Stay tuned for more Asian Heritage Month facts and contests!

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