SEIU-West is excited to share in the celebration of Therapy Assistants Week from September 17-23, 2018!

In SEIU-West, the members who work as Therapy Assistants are classified as Occupational Therapy Assistants and/or Physiotherapy Assistants. Their work is invaluable to the success of improved health.

Therapy Assistants assist patients, residents, and clients (PRC’s) in their aim of increasing physical movement. By improving physical health, PRC’s are better able to expand their day-to-day activities. They also assist in the PRC’s mental state as enhanced mobility helps increase the self-confidence of those requiring care. In this sense, Therapy Assistants help rehabilitate PRCs to their fullest potential.

In recognition of Therapy Assistants Week we encourage all members of SEIU-West to complete this sentence by filling in the blank:

“Therapy Assistants are vital to the health care team because _____________.”

Get your answers in by September 23, 2018! Just email [email protected]

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