In our most recent update, we had identified to our SEIU-West members that vacation banks, time in lieu banks and stat/pro-stat banks would be posted in your workplaces by the end of March. Unfortunately, it was only recently brought to our attention that this did not happen

We have followed up with the SHA who were also not aware that this didn’t happen. There appears to be no reason why it didn’t happen, as the SHA committed. They have re-committed to having this done for the week of April 17.

SEIU-West encourages every member to review their specific time banks and identify to the employer if there is an error. Please contact the SEIU-West Member Resource Centre if you have questions or need assistance.

We have completed the signing of the Letter of Understanding that sets out the following:

  • The last Extendicare pay date will be May 11, 2023 for the period April 17-30, 2023;
  • The first SHA pay date will be May 12, 2023 for the period May 1-6, 2023;
  • Going forward, pay dates will be moved to every second Friday.
  • See the attached calendar for a visual of these changes. This will also be posted on the SEIU-West website and the SHA will be sharing communications about this with you.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Member Resource Center at [email protected] or 1-888-999-7348 Ext. 2298 or use the contact form on

In Solidarity,

Barbara Cape


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