In early December, the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board (the LRB) issued a decision about the five former Extendicare facilities. The decision was based on an interpretation of the regulations that governed a previous restructuring of the healthcare system in 1997, commonly called the ‘Dorsey regulations’. In that decision, the Saskatoon and Moose Jaw facilities remain within the SEIU-West family. However, the 3 Regina-based facilities were moved, without a vote of the membership, into the CUPE 5430 jurisdiction.

We’re incredibly disappointed because we believe strongly in the rights of members having a voice and a vote. This was done without the members' choice being considered.

We filed an application with the Court of King's Bench for what's called a judicial review of the LRB decision by the court. We do not have a date for that hearing yet.

As an interim measure, we filed an application with the Court of King's Bench to stay or stop the implementation of that LRB decision until the judicial review of the decision is completed. The court of King's Bench decision on the stay was delivered late last week and ruled in favour of the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) on a balance of employer convenience. Again, not taking into account the impact of this change on the workers and their choices.

We are not willing to turn our backs on these members. We believe a vote of the membership is fair and the right thing to do.

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