October 23 - 29 is Healthcare Provider Week. This is a week to recognize and celebrate the hardworking members who come together as part of a cohesive team to provide quality and compassionate healthcare to the residents of Saskatchewan. We heard from Jennifer, a Medical Office Assistant who works in Tuberculosis Prevention and Control.

Jennifer began her career in health within the past 2 years, inspired by the opportunity to care for others. Choosing to go into healthcare during a global pandemic shows a level of dedication and commitment to be admired! As a Medical Office Assistant, Jennifer provides support to nurses and doctors who are monitoring tuberculosis in the community. This includes important work like scanning and faxing treatment orders, typing dictation notes and more. 

This work doesn't always happen within the confines of an office or healthcare facility, she also travels to communities which are impacted by tuberculosis in order to support the care team in the field. This is one of her favourite parts of her job, because she gets to meet the patients and be part of the team to help control the spread of tuberculosis.

Working as Medical Office Assistant during a global pandemic can be overwhelming. There is much work to do, but working as a team and knowing that the work they do can help to prevent the spread of both Covid and tuberculosis is rewarding. Jennifer, thank you for all that you do! We appreciate your role in health care as vital to keeping our community safe and healthy.

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