Did you know Shop Stewards help protect the rights of SEIU-West members every day? They are vital leaders within our union and their presence on the shop floor makes our union stronger. It is crucial that each Unit has a number of Stewards that is proportional to the Unit size – it is even better if each department has a Steward.

Wondering what Stewards do? They discuss first level grievances with the employer in an effort to resolve situations early, they investigate grievances using our investigation fact sheet and communicate those investigations with SEIU-West Staff Reps, they mentor new Stewards, and they perform routine check-ins with members to determine whether there are workplace concerns or issues that need to be addressed by our union. While Stewards have large responsibilities, they know they have a strong union behind them that will support them and provide resources when they need.

Each year, SEIU-West offers Shop Steward training so if you’re interested in becoming a Shop Steward, we ask that you speak to your Unit Chair.  If you have any questions about the role of a Steward, don’t hesitate to call the Member Resource Centre at 1.888.999.7348 ext. 2298.

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