Click here to download Joint Bargaining Update: Coalition Unions Continue to Press SAHO for Fair Contract September 17, 2018
September 17, 2018
We hope all of you had an enjoyable summer and were able to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the warm weather with family and friends.
All of the health provider unions consulted with their membership over the summer. Your SEIUWest, CUPE and SGEU bargaining committees were ready to get back to negotiations with SAHO. We spent a day at the bargaining table in Regina on September 12, with the focus on reaching a fair and reasonable contract for our members.
We informed SAHO that our members stand firmly behind the joint coalition bargaining committee. This is the sentiment we heard overwhelmingly from you at our recent meetings across the province, where we reported on the state of negotiations and asked for direction from our members. Thank you to all those who were able to attend these meetings or connected with us in other ways to express your opinions.
Bargaining is scheduled to resume on October 18 and 19.
In the meantime, please take every opportunity to wear your Solidarity in Health Care coalition button or sticker to show your support for our efforts. If you need more buttons or stickers, please contact your local union office.
The provincial government remains very much involved in this bargaining process, just as they are with all public sector unions. Every voice has an impact, so it’s important for you to continue contacting your MLAs, Minister of Health Jim Reiter, and Minister of Rural and Remote Health Greg Ottenbreit to insist they treat health care providers fairly and with respect.
Jim Reiter – Regina Office number: 306.787.7345; Constituency Office number: 306.882.4105; email: [email protected]
Greg Ottenbreit – Regina Office number: 306.798.9014; Constituency Office number: 306.783.7275; email: [email protected]
On a related note, please “Save the Date” and plan to attend a rally for accountability at the legislature at noon on Thursday, October 25. More information can be found at It’s time for the Sask Party to answer for their bad decisions and wrong choices about government spending.
In solidarity,