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February 25, 2019

Dear Health Care Member:

The provider union coalition bargaining committees met with SAHO and employer representatives on February 20. The parties continued to meet on February 21 and February 22.

The parties reached a tentative agreement on each of our collective agreements, including issues common to all three unions and a wage settlement. The health provider unions’ bargaining committees will be seeking direction from our members by way of a ratification vote on the tentative agreement.

All three unions will be setting up bargaining information meetings with our members across the province to provide details of the tentative agreement, as well as dates, times, and locations for the vote. Details of the tentative agreement will not be shared with the media at this time.

Please watch your union bulletin boards and websites for further details.

On behalf of SEIU-West, CUPE, and SGEU, we thank all our members for your incredible solidarity and engagement during this turbulent process.

In Solidarity,

Your SEIU-West, CUPE, and SGEU bargaining committees

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