As the virus embedded itself in the province, our health-care system immediately began to suffer. Elective procedures were postponed, non-critical services closed, and the brutal short-staffing issue, which existed long before COVID-19, was compounded. Patients coming into hospital who would have otherwise been admitted are being treated on an outpatient basis, leaving the patient’s health potentially at risk.
Now, just as we seem to finally have a hope of gaining a handle on the virus, health-care workers from all classifications are suffering from extreme burnout. A profession in health care, once revered, is now plagued with job vacancies that the SHA can’t or won’t fill. Anecdotally we know some workers are already opting to take early retirement or move into a new profession. This is bound to just get worse as time passes.
COVID-19 has taken its toll on everyone. Global economies have taken a hit, with governments at every level, including Scott Moe’s, already implementing plans to supposedly mitigate that damage. Yet one of the biggest resources of concern to residents of this province, the health-care system, lies broken and untouched with no plan for its recovery.
The shortage of patient beds, another seemingly endless plight facing Saskatchewan health care, coupled with staff shortages, is a recipe for disaster.
The total collapse of our health-care system should be of immediate concern not only to current users, but to all residents of this great province.
Martin Been
Published in the Star Phoenix, June 29, 2021
Letters to the Editor, June 29, 2021