The SEIU-West First Nations Métis Inuit Committee (FNMIC) would like to share some upcoming events and invite you to join in celebrating our first peoples across Turtle Island. FNMIC members will be at the Rock your Roots Walk for Reconciliation on June 21st. Join us in your cultural attire or orange shirts to honour the Residential School Survivors.
- The Office of the Treaty Commissioner has a list of events found here.
- Wanuskewin has a list of public programming for the month of June found here.
Would you like to learn about First Nations, Métis or Inuit cultural teachings? Check out the Create to Learn website!
Whether you attend an event in your community, learn how to pronounce the territorial name of the land on which you live, or consider the sacred importance of land, we hope that you take some time to learn about the history of the place you live, and strive to learn something new about the culture, history, or language of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.