As we continue to look for ways to safely share our collective grief and frustration with the Saskatchewan government over its gross mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic, SEIU-West's Political Action Committee is asking everyone to join in a digital protest of the offices of the Premier and Minister of Health.

Please download and share these graphics with your social media networks and strongly encourage your friends, family and networks to step up and show up, for our members, for all health care workers, and for all clients and patients of the care system, present and future.

Call, share, call, share, call again - register your displeasure with the political decision-makers who have destroyed Saskatchewan's once world-class health care system.

For Facebook

Moe: click here for a JPG and here for a PNG file, or right-click on the image to download to your device.

Merriman: JPG, PNG

For Twitter

Moe: click here for a JPG and here for a PNG file, or right-click on the image to download to your device.

Merriman: JPG, PNG

For Instagram

Moe: click here for a JPG and here for a PNG file, or right-click on the image to download to your device.

Merriman: JPG, PNG

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