
SEIU-West does not disclose information to any third party for any reason except when and if required to comply with the laws of Saskatchewan and Canada. Any information provided via this website will be managed with the utmost care and security, and will not be used in ways to which you have not consented.

Use of Information

SEIU-West will not collect any personally identifiable information about individuals except when explicitly and knowingly provided by such individuals. Examples of such information are: name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number. This information will be used, when requested, to direct inquiries to the appropriate SEIU-West staff member or SEIU National office or Local.

Any Local or staff person engaged by SEIU-West agrees to hold your personal information to the same standards described in this policy. We may, where permitted, email you from time to time about our news and events. We will never sell your information to a third-party company. You may opt out of our mailing at any time through the link located at the bottom of the email you receive or by contacting any of the SEIU-West offices.

Photos, letters or comments may appear on our site from time to time. It is SEIU-West’s practice to obtain permission from individuals before using their photos, letters or comments.

We will only publish names with the explicit consent of the individual.

Your Personal Information

SEIU-West will maintain the names and information obtained from our newsletter subscribers within our database.

Comments attached to specific postings are moderated. Comments that are not posted will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member for response.

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