Date: May 20, 2022

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

The sale of Extendicare’s Esprit holdings to Sienna-Sabra continues to stall bargaining, and bargaining is currently “put on hold”. It is expected that the sale will be finalized some time in June. There have been no additional bargaining dates set at this time. SEIU continues to remain in contact with Sienna-Sabra, throughout their transition to ownership, and will continue to negotiate on your behalf. We have been assured by Sienna-Sabra that bargaining will proceed, once the transaction is complete.

This sale should not affect the Union’s right to continue to negotiate on your behalf. The Saskatchewan Employment Act sets out any new employer’s obligations with respect to successorship, their obligation to recognize the Union, and to continue to bargain in good faith. The Union has filed a successorship application with the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board, documenting the continuation of our bargaining rights following the turnover to Sienna-Sabra. Your Union will stay on top of any new developments, and advocate strongly with the employers and government, to ensure that our members’ rights are protected and that legal requirements are being met.

Stay tuned for further updates and remember to check out your Union bulletin Board, or for further updates. Shailini Pascua, your Bargaining Committee member, and Unit Chair will continue to communicate with you, and keep you updated.

If you have any questions about your workplace, please contact the Member Resource Centre (MRC) at 1-888-999-7348 ex. 2298, or by email at [email protected]. The MRC Officers will be able to assist you or will refer your question if necessary.

Your participation in your Union makes your Union strong!

In Solidarity,

Your SEIU-West Riverbend Crossing Bargaining Committee
Shailini Pascua (Unit Chair) • Staff: Lynette Pinfold (Union Representative) • Katelyn Thibeault (Union Representative) • Larry Buchinski (Southern Negotiations Officer)


Print Riverbend Crossing Bargaining Update No. 5

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