(Click here for a printable PDF of this Bargaining Bulletin)

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

Your SEIU-West bargaining committee provided notice to SAHO of the outcome of our ratification vote.  SAHO provided their notice and confirmed receipt of our document.

The Union committee has now met to discuss our next steps with regard to returning to the bargaining table after our rejection of the tentative agreement. We’ve looked at a few scenarios and developed responses to both: returning to the table to only negotiate monetary improvements; or starting from ‘square one’ as was proposed by SAHO in previous joint bargaining meetings.  The parties have agreed that bargaining dates won’t be set until after May 17.  We have asked for a process meeting with SAHO to discuss how we will move forward.  Stay tuned for an update that will be posted once dates are set.

On behalf of the bargaining committee, we wish to thank you all for your numerous questions to the SEIU-West website, Facebook, and via email. We are going to take this return to the bargaining one step at a time; being very intentional in our membership communications.  The strength and conviction of our members in this rejection gives a very clear message to your bargaining committee and to SAHO and the Government of Saskatchewan.

We encourage you to contact the MRC at 1-888-999-7348 ext. 2298 to ask any further questions. Please watch for updates on www.SEIUWEST.ca. You can also follow our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

In Solidarity,


Your SEIU-West SAHO Provincial Bargaining Committee:

CHR: Janice Platzke (SEIU-West Treasurer) • FHHR: Brenda Berry; Donna Gallant • HHR: Colleen Denniss • SHR: Judy Denniss; Rick Brown; Carla Saworski; Kim Wyatt; Charlene Sarafin; • Staff: Bob Laurie (Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement); Russell Doell (Deputy Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement); Cam McConnell (Negotiations Officer) • President: Barbara Cape

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