Click here to download SAHO/SEIU-West Bargaining Bulletin (2nd edition) No. 7
September 26, 2019
Your SEIU-West bargaining committee met with SAHO and the Saskatchewan Health Authority representatives in Saskatoon on September 24, 25 and 26, 2019.
Prior to these bargaining meetings, SAHO and the three provider unions, CUPE, SEIU-West and SGEU, met with SAHO to discuss issues such as portability of seniority, eligibility for job postings, transfer of benefits and other terms and conditions of employment among the three provider unions for members employed by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. As previously reported, SAHO did not want to have SEIU-West included in those discussions; although SAHO understood why the provider unions needed to have SEIU-West be included in those discussions. The coalition of CUPE, SGEU and SEIU-West solidly maintained that as the issues affect all of our members, all provider unions should be present to participate. At the end of the day, SAHO’s stonewalling meant nothing was accomplished.
At bargaining, the parties worked to find agreement on the outstanding collective agreement language proposals. We have agreed on all but one issue, and we believe agreement will be forthcoming at our next dates to meet. As well, the Employer has finally agreed to address their arbitration award on fragmenting shifts proposal outside of bargaining, as has been our past practice.
The parties agreed there is very little left in dispute, other than the monetary settlement.
In order to facilitate the abilities of the parties to reach a fair and reasonable deal, SEIU-West proposed the parties agree jointly to voluntary conciliation to assist in achieving a tentative agreement, and SAHO agreed. We have appointed a conciliator and set dates to meet. Conciliation will begin on October 7th, in Saskatoon. Your bargaining committee believes that, if the parties enter into conciliation in good faith, it will be a big step in achieving a fair and equitable collective agreement.
We appreciate your support and interest; like you, we believe that you deserve a fair and equitable collective agreement that treats you with respect and pays you what you’re worth.
As always, we welcome our members’ questions and comments. We encourage you to contact the MRC at 1-888-999-7348 extension 2298 to ask any further questions. Please watch for updates on You can also follow our FB ( and Twitter ( feeds.
In solidarity,
Your SEIU-West SAHO Provincial Bargaining Committee:
CHR: Janice Platzke (SEIU-West Treasurer) • FHHR: Brenda Berry; Donna Gallant • HHR: Colleen Denniss • SHR: Judy Denniss; Rick Brown; Carla Saworski; Kim Wyatt; Charlene Sarafin; • Staff: Bob Laurie (Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement); Russell Doell (Deputy Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement); Cam McConnell (Negotiations Officer) • President: Barbara Cape