By Cassidy Stynsky, Young Worker Committee Member
The SEIU-West Young Workers Committee (YWC) is shining a light on issues that often get pushed into the shadows and aims to break down stigma associated with important issues in our communities. In the last installment, the YWC shone a light on domestic violence.
Not only is the YWC shining the light on the campaign Man Up, we are hoping members of SEIU-West will join us in our mission to help redefine what it means to Man Up.
If you don’t know, Man Up is a global challenge and movement that is trying to redefine, reconstruct, and educate society on all types of violence.
With this movement, organizers are educating and working with youth on how to stop gender-based violence, while also promoting gender equality.
The initiative of Man Up is to challenge the stigma, educate, and confront the effects of hyper-masculinity in society.
The YWC has chosen this campaign due to our belief that enforced gender roles should be challenged – it’s okay to be who you are without societal pressures dictating how you should behave.
Man Up hosts and connects with many organizations to provide a voice and education on how to reduce and stop violence – whether it be in the workplace or elsewhere.
This movement is important for all SEIU-West workplaces whether you’re male, female or however you identify; we should be respectful and eliminate violence.
Educating each other on how to redefine what it means to Man Up will improve – if not challenge – those who have experienced violence to use their voice and advocate for those who may feel trapped.
For more information, visit