The Saskatchewan government is proposing to make diagnostic sonography a fully recognized and regulated health profession, and invited SEIU-West to provide feedback on the proposal. Under the proposal, sonographers would be regulated by the Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists. After investigating the proposal, researching the experiences of other provinces, and consulting with our members in the affected job classifications, SEIU-West submitted its feedback on June 18, 2019. Click to read our submission and cover letter.
In our submission, SEIU-West offers its qualified support for the proposal. We agree in principle with the goals of ensuring patient safety and diagnostic quality, but note that most of the details (such as regulatory bylaws) have not yet been worked out. We expect that the government and the Saskatchewan Health Authority will continue to consult with us as this proposal moves along, so that we can continue to properly represent our members.
If as a member you have questions, concerns, or additional information not covered in our submission, please contact our Research Coordinator Karman Kawchuk at [email protected].