SEIU-West was first informed of the review of the Radiation Health and Safety Regulations, 2005 (RHSR) by a letter from the Honourable Don Morgan, Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety (MLRWS), to SEIU-West President Barbara Cape, dated July 30, 2021.
SEIU-West represents more than 13,000 members in health care, long-term care, community based organizations, education, and municipalities, among other sectors. Most notably for the purposes of the current review, we represent Medical Radiation Technologists, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists, Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, and Diagnostic Medical Sonographers employed by the Saskatchewan Health Authority in the former Saskatoon, Cypress, Five Hills, and Heartland Health Regions. Click to read our submission letter and cover letter.
In summary, SEIU-West submits that the Regulations must be revised, and the Ministry sufficiently mandated and resourced, to ensure that all employees in all workplaces (regardless of job classification or arbitrary dose/exposure
cutoff) are clearly and effectively made aware of the health and safety risks of any radiation sources that may be present in their workplaces.
While radiation is some respects a unique workplace hazard, it should nevertheless still be regulated as far as possible like other workplace hazards:
i.e. in a manner that fully acknowledges that:
- The Regulations and their enabling Act are first and foremost occupational health and safety legislation; and
- Occupational health and safety legislation is remedial public interest legislation whose primary purpose is to provide maximal, effective protection to the health and safety of all workers. The administrative convenience of employers and equipment owners must be a secondary/subsidiary consideration.
If as a member you have questions, concerns, or additional information not covered in our submission, please contact our Research Coordinator Karman Kawchuk at [email protected].