Unionism 101 is designed for any member who has not taken any other union training.  The course will touch on the basics of unions from where dues go to how members stay current on union activities – an introduction to the virtual bulletin board will be included. Deadline for Applications: April 7, 2021

There will also be a component that connects union principles with inclusivity and support for diversity. Social media, political action, social justice and collective bargaining will also be included. It is a beginner course for rank and file members who are not already Shop Stewards or Unit Officers.  The goal is to reach everyday members and create an understanding of SEIU-West and what makes our union special. Apply now! 

SEIU-West will cover the costs of 15 participants per session who will be selected with the goal of wide representation from all Units within our SEIU-West membership. Expenses will be reimbursed to a maximum of one day lost wages or honoraria.

Apply online today!

Click here to download the pdf of the registration form

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