As of April 14, the SHA has released PPE guidelines for those working in the health care sector and Extendicare facilities. 

Going forward, recommendations for Continuous face mask use and Extended use of face masks and eye protection are now as follows:

*Continuous face mask use: all health care workers who come into contact with patients during the course of their shift must wear a face mask at all times.

*Extended use of face masks and eye protection is the practice of wearing the same face mask and eye protection for repeated interactions with multiple patients for the maximum of one complete shift.

Be sure to read the guidelines specific to your workplace here

If there is a barrier to your ability to access this PPE, you need to report to your manager that you can’t and won’t do the work without the appropriate PPE.  If you are not then provided the necessary PPE, you need to advise your manager that you are formally refusing to do the work further to the right to refuse work of an unusually dangerous nature to yourself or others.   This will trigger the process involving assessment by your site OH&S committee and others, to ensure your work is made safe before you are required to perform it. For more information on the right to refuse, click here

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