We all have those stories of a time when we or our loved ones were vulnerable and needed health care.
Someone greeted us with a smile, someone sat and explained the needed procedures to us, someone helped us with personal care, or someone held your loved ones hand as they were passing. Sometimes it’s a simple gesture like getting you ice water or a warm blanket, and sometimes it’s more difficult like having someone else bathe your spouse or assist on your surgery. T
hose gestures come as second nature to health care frontline staff but to the one receiving the care, it can mean the world of difference to have that compassionate care.
Often we find that our members work short staffed, without supplies and equipment needed and with an ever increasing day to day workload. They do this with a smile on their faces and kindness in their voices. Interestingly, when asked, most health care workers will report that their greatest satisfaction as a care provider is a recollection of how a patient, client or resident made their day by sharing a story or a laugh.
Health care providers work in dietary, housekeeping, laundry, nursing, administrative support, technologies, operating room, pharmacy, recreation, rehabilitation, maintenance and in supplies, processing & distribution and many other areas. They work in public health, in home care, in long term care and acute care. Our members are providing essential support to people throughout their lives, from their first breaths to their last.
SEIU-West would like to say thank you to all our members that provide care. You are essential pieces of the health care team.