Representatives of the SEIU-West provincial bargaining team met with SAHO on June 14 to determine the next steps for bargaining. At this meeting, it was agreed that the parties would resume bargaining, as opposed to starting over. Bargaining update no. 3 is posted on the SAHO page.
At this meeting, your SEIU-West representatives identified that the outstanding issue – for the strong majority of members who voted to reject the tentative agreement – was dissatisfaction with the monetary offer. SAHO was advised that our members felt disrespected when they learned that MLAs received a 2.3% increase to salary (due to cost of living increase) on April 1, 2019. If the cost of living increase affects MLAs, it also affects health providers.
The SEIU-West team is insisting upon a sturdy set of dates to bargain through the summer. In step with the SAHO bargaining dates, there will be regular bargaining updates and information supplied by the Provincial Contract Action Team (ProCAT) as they move through the province doing unit visits. Your ProCAT will be recruiting Unit Contract Action Teams (UCATs), gathering information for our future use in essential services negotiations and they will be talking about our latest campaign introduced to support bargaining called ‘Be Fair to Those Who Care’ – visit to find out more.
We urge members to engage with the ProCAT, sign a postcard, and send a letter through the online campaign. Get your neighbours, friends and colleagues to participate and show their support too.
You also might want to call your MLA and ask: where is the fairness when MLAs receive a 2.3% increase in salary, and offer others such as health providers zeroes?
We know the significant challenge faced in achieving a fair collective agreement – now more than ever, we need greater support from you – our members – and your communities!