Win of the Week! Cheshire Homes Collective Agreement
Collective agreement reached between Cheshire Homes of Saskatoon and SEIU-West
An employer thanked our Union Representative for sending an email to raise a concern on behalf of our member. This employer met with our union member to discuss a possible error that had occurred. The concern was investigated and the employer immediately realized that a genuine mistake had been made; this resulted in our member continuing their job at the specific facility. Our Union Representative was impressed by this employer and their ability to acknowledge their mistake and fix it. It is positive that there are some good employers that appreciate their employees and respond positively to matters brought forward by their union. Indeed, we are stronger together when we can work together for the betterment of our community!
Collective agreement reached between Cheshire Homes of Saskatoon and SEIU-West
While COVID-19 is taking over much of our work lives, this win is a reminder that we must remain diligent in ensuring employers adhere to both our collective agreements and the Saskatchewan Employment Act (SEA). This week, a member informed SEIU-West that their employer was selecting Occupational Health Committee (OHC) members and that the worker co-chair was out of scope. As the SEA outlines, workers/their union have the right to select/elect their own worker representatives and there must be one employer co-chair, and one worker co-chair. As a result, SEIU-West drafted an urgent letter informing the employer of this right and immediately, the employer adjusted their behaviour. The right to have balanced worker representation on each OHC is vital to enforce as we know safety is a number one priority, and we must not let the employer forget that. If you are experiencing the same issues at your workplace, please contact the Member Resource Centre (MRC) through our website or by phone 1-888-999-7348 ext. 2298
We couldn’t wait to share this win of the week that occurred over the weekend! When we arrived to our Moose Jaw office on Monday morning, we found out a member of the general public in Moose Jaw surprised us with a thoughtful gesture. In bold, purple chalk was a message of thanks to SEIU-West members, alongside a large heart. It certainly warmed our hearts, and we hope it does for you too! Thank you, as always, to each of our members who are providing public services and demonstrating true leadership during this time of crisis.