Collective agreement reached between Cheshire Homes of Saskatoon and SEIU-West
Collective agreement reached between Cheshire Homes of Saskatoon and SEIU-West
While COVID-19 is taking over much of our work lives, this win is a reminder that we must remain diligent in ensuring employers adhere to both our collective agreements and the Saskatchewan Employment Act (SEA). This week, a member informed SEIU-West that their employer was selecting Occupational Health Committee (OHC) members and that the worker co-chair was out of scope. As the SEA outlines, workers/their union have the right to select/elect their own worker representatives and there must be one employer co-chair, and one worker co-chair. As a result, SEIU-West drafted an urgent letter informing the employer of this right and immediately, the employer adjusted their behaviour. The right to have balanced worker representation on each OHC is vital to enforce as we know safety is a number one priority, and we must not let the employer forget that. If you are experiencing the same issues at your workplace, please contact the Member Resource Centre (MRC) through our website or by phone 1-888-999-7348 ext. 2298
We couldn’t wait to share this win of the week that occurred over the weekend! When we arrived to our Moose Jaw office on Monday morning, we found out a member of the general public in Moose Jaw surprised us with a thoughtful gesture. In bold, purple chalk was a message of thanks to SEIU-West members, alongside a large heart. It certainly warmed our hearts, and we hope it does for you too! Thank you, as always, to each of our members who are providing public services and demonstrating true leadership during this time of crisis.
With many changes occurring by the minute lately, we are happy to announce our familiar win of the week! This week, we had a member who recently returned from oversea travels and as per our provincial guidelines, took seriously their responsibility to self-quarantine. It’s times like this that we truly recognize the importance of looking out for each in order to provide safe and healthy societies – we encourage all members to continue their leadership role to do what is necessary to keep others safe and, of course, in their ongoing provision of support to those in need.
A member who took part in our facilitator training was able to give an impromptu five minute speech on our SEIU-West 'End Understaffing' campaign. This started a dialogue that resulted in several people signing the petition to end understaffing! The member credits this new skill (amongst others) to the facilitator training. At SEIU-West we know that education is a powerful tool.
A member’s increment was stuck at Step 1 after two and a half years of employment. The employer was challenged on this issue by SEIU-West and we succeeded in ensuring that the member was moved to Step 3 and received all their back pay (a substantial amount) as per the CBA.
Another great win for our member and SEIU-West!
A successful anti-bullying training was held at Wadena from January 22-23 at the request of the employer.
Some attendees had the following comments;
“very important in the workplace”
“this was a very informative class”
“good class for self-reflection and more productivity in the workplace”
“it was an eye opener, it gave good options on how to deal with bullying”
“I think this was very good and informative, I learned so much about bullying and harassment”
As we celebrate Pink Shirt Day/Anti-Bullying on the 26th of February we should use that opportunity to start a dialogue to raise awareness of the issue.
In December, a team of SEIU-West members from Saskatoon Home Care brought a truck load of Christmas cheer to The Lighthouse Assisted Living in the form of a donation of warm clothing and blankets. Thank you Saskatoon Home Care Schedulers for this generous act of kindness.
2019 was filled with ups and downs and it is important to celebrate the moments of triumphs. Here are the top 6 Wins Of The Week for 2019 based on social media engagements.
1. SEIU-West/SAHO Votes for Job Action!
2. Member Awarded Position Denied due to Pregnancy
3. Members Participate ‘Unionism 101’ Training
4. SHA withdrew the Hotline proposal thanks to SEIU-West push-back
5. Member Receives Double Time for Changed Schedule
6. SEIU-West Provides Support for Member in Need
Here’s to 2020 and a year filled with even more wins!
A member was recently suspended for a month due to a personal incident that had absolutely no bearing or impact on their job. SEIU-West intervened and the employer agreed to withdraw the disciplinary action and remove all reference to it from the members file. Rather, the employer offered support.
SEIU-West will always be in your corner, call the MRC (1.888.999.7348) for advice and clarification.