Carolyn has worked as a Disability Support Worker for 13 years in Saskatchewan and a total of 25 years in the field. She works in a group home in an urban community, caring for five residents. She provides personal assistance with activities of daily living as well as cooks, cleans, orders groceries and provides recreational activities for her residents.


She loves the people she cares for. She feels like she makes a difference in their lives and knows they make a difference in hers. Her residents are strong and she’s so proud of how they’ve adapted with COVID restrictions. She’s happy to see the out of the box thinking to keep everyone connected in these times.  While they couldn’t go to dances or camp this year, they have had zoom dances, camping in the back yard and other creative activities like flower arranging. While they patiently await their second dose, they are cautiously optimistic that all their extra cleaning and staying home will continue to keep them safe.

When Carolyn was a small child, she saw the struggles her brother faced with his speech impairment and the stigmatization that went with that. She learned how to communicate with her brother and realized his brilliance.  This experience inspired her to volunteer for Special Olympics and go on to get her Rehabilitation Worker Certificate. She has dedicated her career to being there for others who are stigmatized or marginalized.

For those that like to watch people blossom and bloom, knowing you were a part of that, she encourages you to join her in the field of Disability Service Professionals. Thank you Carolyn and her team for providing such dedicated and compassionate care. We have no doubt that you have impacted your residents’ lives in a meaningful way!

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