Date: March 7, 2022
Greetings Brothers and Sisters who work at Extendicare Canada’s Elmview, Preston, Moose Jaw, Parkside, and Sunset facilities:
We wanted to update you regarding the implementation of the new collective agreement you approved in January, as well as regarding the transfer of these facilities to the SHA.
The parties are working on producing the new collective agreement for signing. The general wage increases, and other monetary and non-monetary terms became effective on January 6, 2022, the date upon which the parties exchanged written notice of ratification by their principals.
Unfortunately, SEIU-West does not have any information at this time as to when the new wage rates will be implemented. Retro payment up to the implementation date will be calculated and paid out in early to mid-March. The employer cannot provide a more specific date than that.
Likewise, the Union does not have any further information from Extendicare or the SHA regarding the finalization of the sale of the Extendicare facilities to the SHA.
What we do know is that labour legislation in Saskatchewan sets out successorship laws which ensure that SEIU-West will still be your union and we continue to represent you, no matter who the new employer is.
SEIU-West continues to investigate these developments and advocate strongly with the employers and government to ensure that our members’ rights are protected and that all legal commitments are met.
Your SEIU-West Extendicare Provincial Bargaining Committee:
Moose Jaw Extendicare: Lynette Pinfold • Elmview Extendicare: Colleen Watson • Sunset Extendicare: Lisa Virtue • Parkside Extendicare: Marlene Thomson • Preston Extendicare: Lori Klus • Staff: Tracy Goodheart; Katelyn Thibeault (Staff Representatives); Bob Laurie (Director of Bargaining and Contract Bargaining & Enforcement); Larry Buchinski (Southern Negotiations Officer)