On the last Wednesday of February, SEIU-West members across this province demonstrate their willingness to tackle workplace bullying by participating in Pink Shirt Day.


Pink Shirt Day began after a young student was bullied for wearing pink to school so the next day, hundreds of students came to school wearing pink as an act of solidarity to stand against bullying. From there, Pink Shirt Day has grown to international fame.


Once again the very popular SEIU-West Anti-Bullying Pink Shirts are up for grabs and wearing pink on February 26, 2020 could win your unit or department a pizza party!


How to participate:

  • Request pink shirts, email [email protected] – 2020 shirts are in limited supply (available sizes are: Small; Medium; Large; XL and 2XL), so be sure to request early!
  • Wear pink shirts on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 – one of our 2020 SEIU-West pink shirts; one from a previous year if you have one; or one of your own.
  • Take a picture of you and your coworkers wearing pink and send it to [email protected] or post it to our Facebook page. Don’t forget to tell us your workplace and/or department name!


Each participating department/unit will be entered to win a pizza party.


Stay tuned to our FB page for updates and to see who’s participating in 2020.

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