"Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make a difference in someone’s life.”
In order to be qualified to do her job as a Security Officer, Laurie obtained a Saskatchewan Justice Certificate and had training and education in the following - Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (PARE), Verbal Judo, Self-Defense, Teleport Training, First Aid, CPR, and many more trainings to ensure our health environments are secure.
Helping people is what Laurie likes most about her job. The daily tasks and duties include, but are not limited to: reporting, door checks, patrolling, providing safe rides if necessary, working on teleport calls, dealing with violent patients, and most importantly, keeping the hospital staff, patients, and visitors safe.
One of the most memorable moments that Laurie has experienced while on duty, was a patient that came up to her at the hospital to say thank you for helping them out in their time of need. As Laurie discloses: “it shows that sometimes it doesn’t take much to make a difference in someone’s life.”