Info pickets provide an opportunity for SEIU-West members to send a message to their employer and to the general public, that bargaining needs to progress and SEIU-West members deserve a fair contract! This is not job action or a strike, attendance at an info picket is voluntary and takes place on unpaid time, such as a day off or during a break. In addition, it can't take place on the employer's property and we cannot interfere with the flow of people or traffic.
President's Message: Christmas 2024
As 2024 winds to a close and the excitement and anticipation of holiday celebrations across many different faiths and cultures ramps up, I wanted to take a moment to share thanks.
Janice Platzke Receives Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award
We are so excited to announce that your SEIU-West Treasurer, Janice Platzke, received the Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award at the 2024 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Convention in late October. Congratulations, Janice!
Here's what her nominator had to say about Janice and her years of service:
Win of the Week! March 15-21
With many changes occurring by the minute lately, we are happy to announce our familiar win of the week! This week, we had a member who recently returned from oversea travels and as per our provincial guidelines, took seriously their responsibility to self-quarantine. It’s times like this that we truly recognize the importance of looking out for each in order to provide safe and healthy societies – we encourage all members to continue their leadership role to do what is necessary to keep others safe and, of course, in their ongoing provision of support to those in need.
COVID-19: Cancelled Events Information
On this page, you will find event updates/cancellations that relate to SEIU-West members.
In an effort to maintain social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, SEIU-West is postponing all in-person educational courses until further notice. We will advise of any new developments and/or potential new training dates. For now, the following in-person courses are cancelled:
- OH&S: From Knowledge to Action (March 17 – Moose Jaw, March 18 – Swift Current, March 19 – Saskatoon)
- Stewards in Action Level II (March 26 – Saskatoon, March 30 - Moose Jaw)
- Unionism 101 (April 1 – Saskatoon, April 6 – Moose Jaw, April 7 – Swift Current)
- Domestic Violence Workshop (April 8-9 – Saskatoon)
- Technical Course I: Investigations & Progressive Discipline (April 21-22 - Saskatoon, April 28 - Moose Jaw, April 29 - Swift Current)
- Leadership Conference (May 27-28 - Regina)
- Unit Leadership (June 1 - Saskatoon, June 2 - Moose Jaw, June 3 - Swift Current)
- Unit Leadership: Advanced (June 9 - Moose Jaw, June 10 - Swift Current, June 11 - Saskatoon)
In addition to these courses, the SEIU-West Leadership Conference scheduled for May 27-28 has been cancelled – notifications will be going out the week of March 23, 2020.
SEIU-West was also in the process of selecting members to attend a number of upcoming events, however the below events have also been cancelled:
- SASWH AGM & Conference (March 24 – Regina)
- SAMRT AGM & Conference (April 25 – Regina)
- SFL/Spring School (April 20-24 – Moose Jaw)
- Prarie School for Union Women (June 7-11 - Waskesiu Lake)
- SFL Summer Camp (August 8- 14)
Apologies for any inconvenience this may case, and thank you for your understanding.
President’s Message: Thank You to our Frontline Heroes
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not seeing our members shy away from challenges, but face them head-on with the courage and professionalism that I, for one, cannot thank them enough for.
Our members are continuing to provide the best care possible. Whether its Environmental Service Workers ensuring the vital need for clean health care environments, or the Continuing Care Assistants (CCAs) and Direct Care Workers (DCWs) providing hands-on care for people who are feeling particularly vulnerable in our health care and community-based sectors. Our education sector members are supporting their students as they head home for an indefinite period of time, while uncertain about what happens for themselves and their families after March 27.
It is this selflessness that I find so remarkable, and prompted a friend of SEIU-West to say ‘My thoughts and gratitude are with every health care worker’.
It is workers like these that make our society run, and their leadership makes them everyday heroes.
It is imperative that we look out for each other in times of crisis, and that means ensuring workers have what they need to provide care and services to our communities. We are hearing that members are concerned about a lack of supplies, staff, and direction or communication in all areas of work.
Our government must demonstrate better leadership and stop sending mixed messages. If we want to encourage social distancing and not put further stress on our health care system, paid support for child care and sick leave is necessary in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be in stock, and measures to limit related purchases at stores should be put into effect provincially.
As SEIU-West has been expressing for years, understaffing is a serious crisis in Saskatchewan’s health care sector – this will be made only clearer during this outbreak. Returning provincially legislated safe staffing levels would immediately address this growing concern. The health care sector is continually facing retention and recruitment issues, so it is vital that our government value and respect our province’s health care team – it takes more than just words, and requires action.
As we navigate our way through the current pandemic, SEIU-West wants to thank each and every one of our members who work in health care, CBOs, education, municipalities, and private facilities. Remember to look out for one another and if you’re not feeling well, do not go to work. Let your employer know and please contact 811 for COVID-19 medical/health related questions. We will continue to provide updates as we receive them and know that as always, your union has your back.
Our members are heroes…not just during a crisis or an outbreak – but every damn day! Thank you all.
In Solidarity,
Barb Cape, President of SEIU-West
Media Release: Caring for Communities
For Immediate Release: March 19, 2020
Saskatoon – SEIU-West members are taking extra safety measures to protect themselves and their clients, patients, and residents during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Member Update: COVID-19 (coronavirus)
I want to thank all of you for your questions and patience as we gather information for you on the operations of SEIU-West and updated information from our various employers.
SEIU-West trainings: NEW update as of March 16, 2020
In an effort to maintain social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, SEIU-West is postponing all educational courses for the next few weeks. We will advise of any new developments and/or potential new training dates. For now, the following courses are cancelled:
- OH&S: From Knowledge to Action (March 17 – Moose Jaw, March 18 – Swift Current, March 19 – Saskatoon)
- Stewards in Action Level II (March 26 – Saskatoon, March 30 - Moose Jaw)
- Unionism 101 (April 1 – Saskatoon, April 6 – Moose Jaw, April 7 – Swift Current)
- Domestic Violence Workshop (April 8-9 – Saskatoon)
- Technical Course I: Investigations & Progressive Discipline (April 21-22 - Saskatoon, April 28 - Moose Jaw, April 29 - Swift Current)
If you were registered for any of these courses, please cancel your union leave. If you have difficulty getting your shift back, email [email protected]. Note that all hotels will be cancelled as well.
We are currently consulting with the provincial government and Saskatchewan Health Authority; we will be sure to update our website and social media pages so please be sure to check back regularly.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you stay safe.
Thank you for your understanding,
Barb Cape, SEIU-West President and Catherine Gendron, SEIU-West Education Coordinator
Joint Statement: COVID-19
March 16, 2020
We have been actively monitoring the growing issue around COVID-19 and how it affects not only health care members but members in all the sectors that we represent. We have been considering the best advice from the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan which changes as this outbreak evolves.
Win of the Week! March 8-14
A member who took part in our facilitator training was able to give an impromptu five minute speech on our SEIU-West 'End Understaffing' campaign. This started a dialogue that resulted in several people signing the petition to end understaffing! The member credits this new skill (amongst others) to the facilitator training. At SEIU-West we know that education is a powerful tool.
Win of the Week! March 1- 7
This week we held the course Unit Leadership – Building Strength and Solidarity in Moose Jaw, Swift Current, and Saskatoon. Designed for SEIU-West members who are elected to unit level positions (Unit Chairs, Vice Chairs, Unit Co-Chairs, and Communicators), this course ensures every participant learns communications strategies, skills for facing management, and the importance of working as a team. Over 75 members were took part in these courses this week. We’re proud and excited to see these member leaders use their education to empower themselves and their coworkers – way to go!
President's Message: Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Sanctions Vote
On February 10 and 11, the members of the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) held a ‘sanctions’ vote (strike vote) in support of their bargaining. The results were shared publicly on February 24 with a strong mandate of 90.2% in favour. SEIU-West wants to walk through what that means to our members in the Education sector and how all of our members can show support for our brothers and sisters in STF.
National Nutrition Month 2020
Make Eating Healthy a Habit - Nutrition Month 2020
FACT CHECK: Minister's Power to Address Understaffing