Date: July 3, 2024

Sisters, Brothers, and Friends,

Your SEIU-West Bargaining Committee met with SAHO and the SHA/Affiliate representatives during the week of June 26, 2024 in Saskatoon.

SAHO finally provided a comprehensive written response to our full package of proposals. Their response was incredibly disappointing. SAHO and the Employers continue to insist on proposing their original bargaining proposals for the most part and refuse to acknowledge SEIU-West’s proposals and counterproposals that set out our members’ priorities.  

Using the excuse of the move to a single provincial health authority Employer, SAHO and the SHA remain determined to make the collective agreement language common between SEIU-West, CUPE, and SGEU health providers. Needless to say, this means the “better thans” SEIU-West has negotiated over the years will be eliminated and there may be a negative financial impact for our members. The language SAHO has proposed has been referenced in our past Bargaining Updates, particularly in Bargaining Update No. 10. You can find them on the website here:

SEIU-West has heard loud and clear from members that your dedication and work in challenging and stressful conditions must be recognized. Being called heroes does not make up for being paid zeros! Your Bargaining Committee agrees! We have reworked our proposal package and made counterproposals in order to move the parties along. We all know that the cost of living has increased significantly and we need to address that fairly for our members. The Committee’s focus is squarely on maintaining your rights in the workplace and getting you the monetary recognition you deserve.

The parties next meet at the beginning of August. Your Bargaining Committee will work to finish off our responses to SAHO and then determine our next steps to demonstrate to the Employers that our members are determined to win a fair deal and will not be swayed by more broken promises.

If you have collective agreement questions or issues, contact the Member Resource Center at 1-888-999-7348 ext 1, email [email protected], or complete the Contact Us form on our website,

In Solidarity on behalf of the SEIU-West Bargaining Committee

Barbara Cape

Your SEIU-West SAHO Provincial Bargaining Committee:

 CHR: Janice Platzke (SEIU-West Treasurer) • FHHR: Brenda Berry, Barbara Bubyn • HHR: Colleen Denniss • SHR: Rhonda Bzdel, Chris Clark, Jeanne Javinal, Carla Saworski, Charlene Sarafin • Extendicare: Kevin Martin • Staff: Bob Laurie (Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement), Russell Doell (Deputy Dir. of Bargaining and Contract Enforcement • President: Barbara Cape


Click here for a printable version of this Bargaining Update


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