The United Nations has established each December 3rd as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD). The 2020 theme is not all disabilities are visible.

This theme is particularly relevant given the mental health affects COVID-19 has had on our lives – yet mental illness is often unapparent. It’s therefore vital that we spread awareness and understanding of disabilities that are not obvious in order to ensure our communities have the support they need.

SEIU-West is committed to ensure that people with disabilities do not face exclusion and discrimination. We must all do our part in removing those barriers so if you would like to learn more, visit the IDPWD website here. We also remind all our SEIU-West members that they have access to supports such as the Employee Family Assistance Program or 211 in Saskatchewan – a resource that connects you with mental health services. SEIU-West has also put together a helpful list of resources for mental health support during COVID-19.

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