If you are an SEIU-West member working for the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and you receive a communication from your employer indicating that you owe them money back for an N/52nds overpayment, please:
Info Pickets
Info pickets provide an opportunity for SEIU-West members to send a message to their employer and to the general public, that bargaining needs to progress and SEIU-West members deserve a fair contract!
Janice Platzke Receives Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award
We are so excited to announce that your SEIU-West Treasurer, Janice Platzke, received the Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award at the 2024 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Convention in late October. Congratulations, Janice!
Here's what her nominator had to say about Janice and her years of service:
2015 SEIU-West Scholarship Winners!
Each year, the SEIU-West Education Committee accepts applications from SEIU-West members who are in good standing (meaning dues paying members), who all aim to win $750 towards their post secondary training or education. A second winning category involves children of SEIU-West members who are also eligible to apply for one of ten $750 scholarships.
Mark Koch: Journeyperson Painter
"Mark takes pride in creating an aesthetically pleasing learning atmosphere for the students to learn in and staff to work in" - as described by Chris Mulhall, fellow SEIU-West member.
Aboriginal Heritage Day & Unionism on Turtle Island: An Interview
Aboriginal Heritage Day & Unionism on Turtle Island: An Interview
Hal: Facility Assistant
"I value being a part of the facility staff" - Hal Satter, Facility Assistant at Oman School.
United Way Labour Community Advocate Training Level 1 – REGINA
The Regina united Way is holding Labour Community Advocate training scheduled to begin on March 31, 2015. Please discuss this opportunity with your members to see if anyone is interested in attending.
Just the Facts: Summary Offence Ticketing (SOTs)
Just the Facts: Summary Offence Ticketing (SOTs) – Starting July 1, 2014
News Article: Care homes in crisis
Saskatchewan Health Minister Dustin Duncan says details in a report on conditions in the province’s long-term care facilities are “dismaying” and “heartbreaking” and left him “angry.”…
To read this story on-line, click on the link below:
Care homes in crisis – link to Star Phoenix
Care homes in crisis
News Article: ‘We need to do better for Seniors in need of our care’
Facing complaints that include residents soiling themselves and receiving tub baths only once a week, the Saskatchewan government is injecting $10 million into an urgent issues action fund for long-term care facilities in the province…
To read this story on-line, click on the link below:
‘We need to do better for seniors in need of our care’ – link to Star Phoenix
Privatization of Laundry/Linen Services – letter to Brad Wall
I would like to share with you the enclosed letters from our SEIU-West members expressing their concern about the recent public announcement by 3sHealth to privatize public laundry and linen services within the health care sectors. Please find enclosed…
Click on the link below to read the entire letter:
Privitazation of Laundry/Linen Services – July 30, 2013
Reply from Government re: Privatization of Laundry/Linen Services
Thank you for your letter of July 30, 2013, regarding the recent announcement by 3sHealth on a new provincial laundry and linen service. I also acknowledge the letters you enclosed from SEIU-West members with regard to this announcement.
The new Provincial Linen Services will benefit…
To read the entire letter, click on the link below:
Reply from Brad Wall re: Linen and Laundry Services – August 15, 2013