If you are an SEIU-West member working for the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and you receive a communication from your employer indicating that you owe them money back for an N/52nds overpayment, please:
Info Pickets
Info pickets provide an opportunity for SEIU-West members to send a message to their employer and to the general public, that bargaining needs to progress and SEIU-West members deserve a fair contract!
Janice Platzke Receives Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award
We are so excited to announce that your SEIU-West Treasurer, Janice Platzke, received the Larry Hubich Lifetime of Service Award at the 2024 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Convention in late October. Congratulations, Janice!
Here's what her nominator had to say about Janice and her years of service:
Joint Bargaining Update: Coalition Unions Continue to Press SAHO for Fair Contract
September 17, 2018
We hope all of you had an enjoyable summer and were able to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the warm weather with family and friends.
Celebrate Therapy Assistants Week!
SEIU-West is excited to share in the celebration of Therapy Assistants Week from September 17-23, 2018!
In SEIU-West, the members who work as Therapy Assistants are classified as Occupational Therapy Assistants and/or Physiotherapy Assistants. Their work is invaluable to the success of improved health.
Therapy Assistants assist patients, residents, and clients (PRC’s) in their aim of increasing physical movement. By improving physical health, PRC’s are better able to expand their day-to-day activities. They also assist in the PRC’s mental state as enhanced mobility helps increase the self-confidence of those requiring care. In this sense, Therapy Assistants help rehabilitate PRCs to their fullest potential.
In recognition of Therapy Assistants Week we encourage all members of SEIU-West to complete this sentence by filling in the blank:
“Therapy Assistants are vital to the health care team because _____________.”
Get your answers in by September 23, 2018! Just email [email protected]
Win of the Week! September 9-15
SEIU-West is thrilled to announce our newest bargaining unit, the Town of Herbert, has ratified their first collective agreement with 100% turnout and 100% support! In an environment where employers and government continue to push rollbacks, SEIU-West successfully bargained general wage increases of 2% the first two years, and 1.5% in the third year. Some other highlights include:
- standby and call back language,
- the ability to bank overtime at time and a half
- better than vacation entitlements
- $200 for approved foot ware
It is clear that when we work together, we are Stronger Together! Congratulations to the entire Herbert team!
Wicihitowin: Indigenous People Engagement Conference - Apply Now!
SEIU-West is pleased to sponsor up to five (5) members to attend the Wicihitowin Aboriginal Engagement Conference 2018, taking place October 17-18 in Saskatoon. The conference will focus on Aboriginal engagement and human service delivery topics relevant to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal participants.
Anyone interested in attending this conference is asked to return your completed SEIU-West Expression of Interest form (below) on or before September 25, 2018 in order to allow us to complete the registration and selection process.
You can also send in a paper EOI form by clicking here.
Forward your paper EOI form to:
Barbara Cape, President of SEIU-West / [email protected]
#200 – 747 46th Street W, Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A1
Fax: 306-652-1392
Win of the Week! September 2-8
SEIU-West was proud to support labour day celebrations across Saskatchewan this week. In Saskatoon and Moose Jaw, SEIU-West members volunteered their time to supply nutritious food to community members and highlight the value of unions. We held many discussions about the significance of public health care and the need for paid leave for survivors of domestic violence. We also shared the importance of safe staffing for all those who use and rely on health care. Based on community feedback, it’s clear that Saskatchewan people support the quality services our members provide – and that we must continue to advocate for better working and living conditions for our communities. We are proud to collect the many petitions signatures gathered - together, we can create a more just community for our members and their families!
Celebrate Environmental Services Week!
SEIU-West is thrilled to recognize September 10-16, 2018 as Environmental Services Workers Week! Environmental Services Workers (ESW) are an essential part of the health care team.
ESW’s like Dennis, work to ensure patients, residents and clients are cared for and treated in a clean, safe environment. Check out how members like Dennis contribute to the health care team:
Dennis completed his TLR (Transferring, Lifting and Repositioning), WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System), and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) training. He has also completing specialized courses, including the training to provide cleaning services to isolated patient rooms.
Dennis cleans patient rooms, utility areas, and maintains the floors. He also manages garbage and bio-hazardous material pick-up and disposal. He loves all parts of his job, but especially enjoys the interactions between staff and patients.
When a patient or visitor compliments Dennis on the outstanding job he’s done, or when he is being appreciated and recognized by his coworkers, Dennis knows of the important affect his work has on the health care team.
We couldn’t agree more, and we want to thank Dennis and all ESW’s who work so hard to ensure our health care environments are safe for all.
And as a special thank you, we encourage you to participate in the ESW Week Contest! Just by liking and sharing this post on Facebook, you’ll be entered to win a co-op gift card and SEIU-West swag! Deadline ends September 16! If you don’t have Facebook, just send an email to [email protected] letting her know why you appreciate ESW’s!
Win of the Week! August 26-September 1
SEIU-West has another excellent win of the week to report! A member called our Member Resource Centre (MRC) to let us know about their efforts in ensuring our collective agreement was followed. They met with their manager about a vacant position that wasn't posted – the hours were also not in callout to fill this position – our member successfully got the hours available for callout as per the collective agreement and the position is now being posted as a permanent position. We love that our members have the skills to ensure all our rights are protected! Great work!
SEIU-West Labour Day Message
In recognition of labour day, SEIU-West members Terrilyn St. Amour and Carmela Verwimp, alongside their union President, Barbara Cape, share their labour day messages of solidarity, strength and justice. These powerful messages are also published with the Star Phoenix and Leader Post:
MEDIA RELEASE: Improving Safety in Health Care
I WILL REPORT: A necessary first step only
For Immediate Release - August 27, 2018
Saskatoon – SEIU-West leaders have viewed the recent video released by the Saskatchewan Association of Safe Workplaces in Health (SASWH) leading their campaign for change, # I WILL REPORT. The message being conveyed is an important one and the goal appears to be to encourage health care staff to report occurrences of violence and aggression as they occur.
Donna - Unit Assistant/Clerk at Saskatoon City Hospital
“Making a difference in peoples’ lives is very important to me.”
Tracy - Food Service Worker at Humboldt District Health Complex
“The best part of my job is making patients smile.”
Jae - Medical Lab Technologist at Humboldt Hospital
“I enjoy the challenging and fast-paced environment.”