Win of the Week! April 8-14

SEIU-West is thrilled to announce that Town of Herbert employees voted 100% to join our union family, and we couldn’t be happier to welcome these new members!  Entire families in Herbert will sleep better knowing they now have the stability and strength of 13,000 members just like them in their corner. We are excited to help transition these members on to bargain their first collective agreement!

Win of the Week! April 1-7

SEIU-West developed a new course for members who have never participated in any SEIU-West training before, called Unionism 101. Over the last few weeks, many members in Moose Jaw and Saskatoon joined this one-day training opportunity and we’re happy to report the course received rave reviews! Members highlighted the importance of getting to know the benefits of belonging to SEIU-West, and enjoyed learning about the social justice issues SEIU-West advocates for.

It’s certainly a win when members become engaged in their union, and we’re excited for the next Unionism 101 course in Swift Current next week!

Win of the Week! March 18-24

SEIU-West, SAHO, and the new Saskatchewan Health Authority have reached an agreement with respect to Medical Care Leave, often a grievance issue.

Medical Care Leave will be calculated on a calendar year, rather than a fiscal year. That has been the practice of payroll for several years, which violated the CBA (collective bargaining agreement).  The 16 hours will be available to all employees under the SAHO/SEIU collective agreement, including casuals, and will not be pro-rated.  Agreement is effective as of January 1, 2018. Way to go!

Win of the Week! March 11-17

SEIU-West, SAHO, and the new Saskatchewan Health Authority have reached an agreement with respect to ongoing TOIL (time off in lieu), often a grievance issue.

It is now clear all SEIU-West members under the SAHO collective agreement will be able to bank TOIL if they wish.  Scheduling time off remains by mutual agreement.  TOIL banks will have a running cap of 100 hours, and banks will be paid out every year in March.

For members currently banking TOIL, the effective date of payout is March, 2019.  If a member’s department arrangements currently has no cap or a cap greater than 100 hours, the “better than” remains.

If a member’s department arrangements currently has a cap less than 100 hours, then the cap gets raised to 100 hours, effective right now.  If member is denied banking of TOIL, the ability to bank TOIL as per the terms is effective right now. Great work resolving grievances!

Win of the Week! March 4-10

SEIU-West members ratified an agreement with Marian Chateau, Bently Yorkton, and Bently Saskatoon! In their new agreement, members were able to negotiate pay raises of 2%, 1.5% and 1.5% over the next three years. Their education and weekend premium rates also increased, their employer will match payroll deducted RRSP of up to 1% of earning starting January 1 2019, and they achieved an additional personal leave day. These members won many non-monetary goals as well, including updated OH&S language and clarification for the employer to provide uniforms. Awesome work SEIU-West!

Win of the Week! February 11 – 17

A member has medical advice that they are not able to work in any occupation due to their disability. After ongoing stages of appeal processes to be approved under the Disability Income Plan, the member has finally been approved! This news will surely improve our member’s wellbeing and SEIU-West is proud to work alongside members who aim to achieve justice!

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