Win of the Week! September 2-8

SEIU-West was proud to support labour day celebrations across Saskatchewan this week. In Saskatoon and Moose Jaw, SEIU-West members volunteered their time to supply nutritious food to community members and highlight the value of unions. We held many discussions about the significance of public health care and the need for paid leave for survivors of domestic violence. We also shared the importance of safe staffing for all those who use and rely on health care. Based on community feedback, it’s clear that Saskatchewan people support the quality services our members provide – and that we must continue to advocate for better working and living conditions for our communities. We are proud to collect the many petitions signatures gathered - together, we can create a more just community for our members and their families!

Win of the Week! August 26-September 1

SEIU-West has another excellent win of the week to report! A member called our Member Resource Centre (MRC) to let us know about their efforts in ensuring our collective agreement was followed. They met with their manager about a vacant position that wasn't posted – the hours were also not in callout to fill this position – our member successfully got the hours available for callout as per the collective agreement and the position is now being posted as a permanent position. We love that our members have the skills to ensure all our rights are protected!  Great work!

Win of the Week! August 19-25

SEIU-West is celebrating our latest win of the week! A member worked overtime and yet their health care employer incorrectly paid this member at regular time. Your union ensured this member was paid fairly by meeting with the employer, and the member's right to an overtime wage under the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) was enforced. Thanks to the efforts of working together to ensure your contract language is followed, SEIU-West wins again!

Win of the Week! August 12-18

This week SEIU-West celebrates a great win in the Community Based Organization (CBO) sector! A serious incident occurred to one of our members at work. This led to them completing an incident report. The employer subsequently altered the incident report and sent it to the specific organization that deals with such reports. Our member advised the Union that the report had been altered, therefore, the Union sent an email advising the employer that they cannot alter incident reports and insisted the employer send in the original incident report. The employer has now undertaken to submit the original report and ensured that this will not occur again in the future!

Win of the Week! August 5-11

SEIU-West is celebrating a huge win in the health care sector! Our union filed a grievance a few years ago as an employer would not accommodate our member. The employer thought they could wait for an open position for the accommodation, yet this severely impacted the member. Thanks to the hard work of this member and their union, the matter was settled under a Human Rights Complaint which resulted in a generous compensation for our member.

Win of the Week! July 29 - August 4

SEIU-West is celebrating another successful outcome in a grievance process in the Community Based Organization sector. While one of our members was on medical leave, the employer hired an out-of-scope person for the position instead of posting a full-time in-scope position. In order to resolve the issue, the Employer will post a full-time in-scope position. From this we can learn a valuable lesson - take action! When an employer fails to follow proper procedures, we must hold them accountable. When members take action, with the help of the union, together we can ensure fair treatment of our members!

Win of the Week! July 22-28

SEIU-West is celebrating another victory in health care this week as yet again we acted to correct an oversight by the Health Authority. This time they underpaid a member by shortchanging them on their overtime hours. After pointing out the facts in a meeting with the Employer, the SEIU-West member was paid in full and the issue was resolved. It’s a good reminder to keep checking to make sure you are getting paid according to the Collective Agreement for the hours you’ve worked. When there is a potential discrepancy, call the MRC and we can fight together because We’re Stronger Together!

Win of the Week! July 15-21

An employer thanked our Union Representative for sending an email to raise a concern on behalf of our member. This employer met with our union member to discuss a possible error that had occurred. The concern was investigated and the employer immediately realized that a genuine mistake had been made; this resulted in our member continuing their job at the specific facility. Our Union Representative was impressed by this employer and their ability to acknowledge their mistake and fix it. It is positive that there are some good employers that appreciate their employees and respond positively to matters brought forward by their union. Indeed, we are stronger together when we can work together for the betterment of our community!

Win of the Week! July 8–14

This week we are continuing to celebrate successful negotiations by our Union Representatives in the CBO sector! Once again, a member was dealing with an unfair employer who unjustly terminated them. This member filed a grievance which led to compensation for their lost time during the unjust termination. We are glad to serve our members by improving their rights and working conditions. Indeed, we are stronger together!

Win of the Week! July 1–7

Another member in the CBO sector is celebrating a win this week after fighting their arbitrary termination. This member decided they did not want to continue working for this unfair employer. The Union Representative was successful in negotiating a resolve that saw the member resign but receive compensation for their lost time. With bosses like these in the community based organizations, it’s no wonder why we see the turnover we do in the sector. Together, under the Purple banner, SEIU-West members are improving the rights of CBO workers and the quality for care for patients and residents throughout the province.

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