Win of the Week! November 11-17

It’s another great win this week after a SEIU-West member was reinstated with back pay!

Under the SAHO collective agreement, new hires are on probation for 480 hours. Management must tell them if their work is not meeting standards, and give them a chance to improve.

Recently, a member who works in health care was terminated for “unsuitability” after working 467 hours. The Employer didn’t tell the member why they were unsuitable or give them a chance to respond. SEIU-West filed a grievance.

On November 11 the arbitration panel ordered management to reinstate our member, pay them lost wages, and extend their probation by 320 hours.

Congratulations to our member and the SEIU-West team!

Win of the Week! November 4-10

This week, we reached an agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) regarding Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) licensing requirements.  This agreement provided our members with options if they are LPNs who have not completed the educational requirements of the Saskatchewan Association of Licensed Practical Nurses (SALPN) to maintain their license in 2019. Prior to this agreement being reached, the employer had indicated that these members would be terminated with no available options given that licensing is a requirement to work in a LPN position.

To see the full Memorandum of Agreement, click here. And if you have any questions, please call the Member Resource Centre (MRC) at 1.888.999.7348 ext. 2298.

SEIU-West is proud to reach this agreement with the SHA alongside its health care coalition of unions – when we work together, we win together!

Win of the Week! October 28-November 3

SEIU-West members from across Saskatchewan joined the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) Convention last week, and SEIU-West is so proud to announce that many of our members were SFL first-time speakers! It takes a lot of courage to be able to speak in front of hundreds of people, but our members knew they had the support of their Purple family as well as the vast Saskatchewan labour movement. These members spoke passionately on an array of topics, such as the need for paid leave for domestic violence and the importance of public services. We are so proud of these members and love to see our members’ confidence grow! A major win this week!

Win of the Week! October 14-20

Education and member involvement are always a win for our union, and we’re proud to share the growth of one of our members. This member was fearful of discrimination due to a family illness concern but with the help of their union, this member is now aware of their rights and has a greater understanding of how their union can provide support during a disability claim. We want to thank all members for taking these important steps in knowing their rights at work – we are Stronger Together!

Win of the Week! October 7-13

Every day, SEIU-West members call or write their Member Resource Centre (MRC) asking questions about their rights at work. The questions range from who their Shop Stewards are, to what path to take if filing a disability appeal. Your MRC Union Reps are able to direct you to the appropriate persons required for your question, and they are always there to help when requiring assistance on your collective agreement. Each week, the MRC helps members find what they’re looking for, and we couldn’t be more proud to offer this unique 24/7 call service to our members. Indeed, SEIU-West is stronger together

Win of the Week! September 30-October 6

This week, member leaders from across the province gathered to learn, engage and empower one another at our 'Leadership Conference: Building Strong Leaders.' Ten years ago, three SEIU Locals in Saskatchewan became a powerful force, now SEIU-West. We gathered to celebrate our successes over the past ten years and recommit our goal of improving the lives of communities for many more years to come. We know there's a lot of work ahead, but we're ready to face the challenges because we know, we're Stronger Together! 

Win of the Week! September 23-29

Over the past two weeks SEIU-West held a new course named “Technical Course Level II: Investigations and Grievance Process” where experienced Shop Stewards and their Union Representatives gathered to learn and empower one another. During this course, the grievance process was clarified through comprehensive examination of real grievance files. Participants learned the life cycle of a grievance file, and all internal process aspects driving that cycle. Members gained knowledge around the applicable documents, and gained an in-depth understanding of the link between representation and documentation with regard to formal grievances. After taking this course, participants are better prepared to process grievances, and to advise members on that process, at the shop-floor level. SEIU-West knows that knowledge is power, and we’re so proud of our members for utilizing that knowledge on the shop floor!

Win of the Week! September 16-22

This week, SEIU-West was proud to graduate an awesome group of members who will introduce their union to brand new members during New Member Orientation at their new places of work. Our graduates have excellent presentation skills and passion to ensure new members to SEIU-West are proud and excited to engage with their new union. It's been another great week thanks to the solidarity and strength of our members!

Win of the Week! September 9-15

SEIU-West is thrilled to announce our newest bargaining unit, the Town of Herbert, has ratified their first collective agreement with 100% turnout and 100% support! In an environment where employers and government continue to push rollbacks, SEIU-West successfully bargained general wage increases of 2% the first two years, and 1.5% in the third year. Some other highlights include:

  • standby and call back language,
  • the ability to bank overtime at time and a half
  • better than vacation entitlements
  • $200 for approved foot ware

It is clear that when we work together, we are Stronger Together! Congratulations to the entire Herbert team!

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