What happens when workers come together to improve their workplace environment and communities? They see big wins! This week, members at Variety Place just voted in favour of a 4.5% general wage increase – this agreement is retroactive to April 1, 2018. Direct Care Workers at Variety Place are continuing to bargain for subsequent years and are working together to ensure their work is valued. They know that they deserve fair wages and when we achieve our goals, we raise the floor for all workers – way to go!
Win of the Week! January 13-19
We have a major win to report this week: members at Valley Action Group Homes have reached an agreement that includes a significant pay increase of 5% as well as a $500 signing bonus! We also successfully negotiated an increase in the night shift premium, as well as non-monetary improvements including:
- better access to vacation
- improved shift trade language
- restrictions on scheduling and schedule changes
- improved call in rules
- the addition of paid leave for citizenship ceremonies
- the addition of son-in-law and sister-in-law to the bereavement list
- improvements to the grievance process
- the addition of reimbursement up to $750.00 for personal property loss or damage at work
- improved personal floating day options
In addition, this agreement ensures new letters of appointment to all staff which will make their guaranteed hours the same as their regularly scheduled hours. This new collective agreement demonstrates the strength of our union and we’re happy to report members voted unanimously in favour! The best way for workers to improve their working conditions is to come together and collectively bargain. If you know anybody who could benefit from Joining SEIU-West, have them call the SEIU-West Organizing Department at 1-888-999-SEIU.
Win of the Week! January 6-12
Here’s another great way SEIU-West has your back - an Employer hired for a position externally and by doing so failed to hire the in-scope member who applied for the job. SEIU-West was able to resolve this grievance at step 1 with the member being offered the position, which they accepted. This member was compensated for lost wages and seniority. Our member loves their job and we’re so happy to share in their celebration!
Win of the Week! December 30-January 5
We have another great win that demonstrates the value of being a member of SEIU-West! An employer posted a vacant in-scope position but posted it as out of scope. When SEIU-West discovered this issue it was identified as a problem & the employer agreed to re-post the position as in-scope. There were no internal candidates but the out-of-scope employee (incumbent) applied. The employer awarded the position to this employee and then put them on probation. SEIU-West grieved this as this employee had already completed their probation period. Our union was able to reach an agreement that gave this member full seniority rights and completion of their probation period. Way to go!
Win of the Week! December 23-29
Members in Security Services in the former Saskatoon Health Region held a festive and fun Holiday Party. Some of the members who coordinated the fun event arranged ways to raise funds for a member who is suffering financial hardship due to family health issues. The fundraising initiative was a great success that demonstrated to this member that their sisters and brothers in Security have their back not just at work, but out of work too. It’s amazing to see these members organizing this kind gesture and demonstrates SEIU-West has strong, caring leaders in our union and community!
Win of the Week! December 16-22
We have a very exciting win to share this week: members at Chinook School Division have ratified a new agreement! It is a 3 year agreement that includes a signing bonus of $675 to all full-time calendar and academic year employees and is prorated for part-time employees. All members will receive this signing bonus before Christmas. The members also achieved an agreement with wage increases each year: 1% in 2018, 2% in 2019, and 1% in 2020. We are so proud of the members for achieving this collective agreement and standing strong together – it is a real challenge when government continues to push for rollbacks but as demonstrated, our solidarity wins!
Win of the Week! December 9-15
We have a major win to share this week! A member who had been denied at all previous levels has now been awarded coverage through the Disability Income Plan final adjudication process. This is an enormous relief for our member and we’re so proud to stand with them every step of the way to this huge success. The work of our union often leads to results like this one, and we particularly appreciate the role our Benefits Officer has in helping our members achieve fairness. When we work together, we win together!
Win of the Week! December 2-8
After reporting a missed shift at double time, SEIU-West filed a grievance with the member who should have been called for this shift. This week, our member received back-pay at double time – when we work together to protect our rights, we win!
Win of the Week! November 25-December 1
SEIU-West has a big win to share this week! Two group grievances were filed after it was discovered that an Employer wasn’t paying stand-by properly. Fourteen members were affected and after SEIU-West stepped in to ensure our collective agreement was followed, all fourteen members were paid properly! When SEIU-West wins, workers win!
Win of the Week! November 18-24
We have another awesome win to share! An Employer failed to pay overtime to one of our members so SEIU-West filed a grievance which was recently resolved to our members’ favour! They will now receive back-pay based on their proper amount of overtime hours worked - SEIU-West is proud to share in this celebration with them!