Recently, SEIU-West was informed of several workers whose seats on their Occupational Health Committees (OHC) were expiring – in response, our union conducted investigations to determine these vacancies and sent a response back with our appointed members. One Employer aimed to retain the OHC members already on their list but as is outlined in the Saskatchewan Employment Act, unions have the right to determine our representatives on OHC’s where our members work. It is imperative that we retain this right and protect it because we know health and safety must include the feedback and experiences of frontline workers who are there representing their fellow union comrades, and not their Employer.
Win of the Week! March 24-30
An employer at a health care facility wanted to enact a change that would result in housekeeping and maintenance departments losing their carts – something our members value as a tool in completing their work. SEIU-West held a meeting about these member concerns and staff were recently informed the carts would stay. Better yet, staff will now work with residents to paint the carts! This is a great win that benefits residents and their health care providers.
Have a win you’d like to share? Email [email protected] to share the good news!
Win of the Week! March 17-23
Recently, an employer was found to be promising a position to a member who had less seniority than other candidates eligible for the position. This resulted in a meeting with SEIU-West who demonstrated that many eligible members with more seniority did not even get an interview. The position was re-posted and more interviews took place - as a result, the member with the most seniority was awarded the position! SEIU-West is all about fairness and protecting the rights of workers – we are proud to celebrate this win!
Have a win you’d like to share? Email [email protected] to share the good news!
Win of the Week! March 10-16
A member of SEIU-West who works in health care was in a temporary full-time position and their employer posted two permanent half-time positions. This member raised this issue with their Unit Executive who raised the concern at their Union Management Advisory Committee (UMAC) meeting. The Unit Executive explained that this change did not match the letter of intent to create meaningful work in the collective agreement. SEIU-West challenged the reasons for splitting the position and explained that the split would not help with client consistency. Management was convinced and chose to re-post the position as a permanent full-time position! In the end, the member who was in that temporary position had the most seniority and was awarded the permanent full-time position – this win demonstrates the power of our union on the shop-floor – when we work together, we win together!
Have a win you’d like to share? Email [email protected] to share the good news!
Win of the Week! March 3-9
We have another great win to share this week! A member was facing undue discipline and as a result, SEIU-West filed a grievance. It went through steps one to three until reaching the point of arbitration. At that point, the employer recognized our winning position in a potential arbitration and heavily reduced the level of discipline with our member receiving a settlement as well. SEIU-West works to ensure workers’ rights are protected and we are proud to celebrate alongside this member!
Win of the Week! February 24-March 2
This week, we’re excited to announce a 3-in-1 win! We had 3 different instances of members not being called in for shifts even though they were eligible due to seniority. SEIU-West filed grievances and at step one, all grievances were won and each member was made whole! This is yet another example of how SEIU-West has your back.
Win of the Week! February 17-23
Did you know that SEIU-West has a unique representative – a Benefits Officer – serving our members who require assistance when filing for disability and accommodations? We are able to support our members in some of the most distressing times of their work lives, and this week was no different. Recently, a member was denied disability and SEIU-West appealed this decision – this week, we received word that this member will now be receiving their entitled disability benefits. SEIU-West is proud to celebrate alongside this member!
Win of the Week! February 10-16
SEIU-West is thrilled to share the good news of our latest ratified agreement! With great voter turnout, members who work in the South East Cornerstone Public School Division ratified their collective agreement this week – some of the highlights of this agreement include general wage increases over four years of 1%, 2%, 2%, 2% - an awesome demonstration of our members’ solidarity as they worked together to ensure fairness at the bargaining table. There were also many non-monetary gains, including:
- Fifteen (15) minutes for new employee Union Orientation.
- Email and website posting of vacancies during the summer break.
- Clarification of the process for filling vacant bus routes.
- Maintenance employees LOU is now part of the CBA.
- Casual employees LOU is now part of the CBA.
- Ability to take a 15 minute rest periods where possible.
- Bus driver monthly cell phone allowance up to $20 from $10.
- Personal Property damage reimbursement up to $250 from $100.
- Overtime for employees who work beyond 8 hrs on a field trip.
- Employees now need to agree to use a personal vehicle for student transportation
- Completely revamped Occupation Health and Safety language.
- Clear “No Individual Agreements” language.
This newly ratified agreement is yet another example of how we’re Stronger Together in SEIU-West!
Win of the Week! February 3-9
This week, we have another great win to share! A member was scheduled for a third weekend and in their collective agreement, they should be paid at double time for working three weekends in a row. Our member notified their employer prior to this scheduling issue but the issue was not fixed, so the member worked the shift. The member was then paid at regular time, so SEIU-West filed a grievance – we just resolved that grievance and the member will be paid at double time! It’s vital that we stand up for our rights and with SEIU-West, we know we are Stronger Together!
Win of the Week! January 27-February 2
SEIU-West is happy to announce a huge win for members across the province: SEIU-West filed grievances at a particular facility when it was reported that the Employer was scheduling shifts of 6.5 hours with no meal break. The Employer countered that the collective agreement language was not clear with respect to those specific shifts. SEIU-West therefore advised members to file complaints with the Employment Standards Enforcement since The Saskatchewan Employment Act (SEA) says workers are entitled to a meal break after 5 consecutive hours of work. The Enforcement Branch responded by saying they were not obliged to represent unionized workers. SEIU-West was then advised that our union is a person before the law (we are our members!) and can also file a complaint as a person. After SEIU-West filed a complaint, the Enforcement Branch assigned an Investigator who determined that the Employer was violating the SEA and must stop. The Employer responded by saying they provide coffee breaks so the shifts are not considered to be 5 hours of consecutive work. The Investigator held that coffee breaks do not count since they are paid time, break or not. The Investigator also recommended that the parties resolve the matter with a letter of understanding (LOU) which will then be reviewed by the Investigator. We have drafted that LOU and are awaiting the Employer’s response. What is vital about this win is the Enforcement Branch has upheld that Employers cannot negotiate a lower standard than what is outlined in the SEA, and that coffee breaks do not count for the purposes of calculating worked hours. Most importantly, we know the Enforcement Branch will take action on unionized workplaces if there is a violation of the SEA. And last but certainly not least, there are several collective agreement provisions negotiated under old legislation which allow for meal breaks only after 5.5 and as much as 7.5 hours of work – all of these will have to be changed or addressed through LOUs, which SEIU-West is currently undertaking. This is a collective win for workers throughout Saskatchewan!